The Palm Restaurant
The Palm Restaurant is moving to Beverly Hills this November. Since I’ve taken on this crusade getting the caricatures off the walls of The Palm Restaurant and into the hands of the people who have graced them over the past 40 years, I’ve spoken to Shecky Green, Bob Newhart, Barbara Eden, Norm Crosby, Rona Barrett, James Caan, Frankie Avalon, Carol Channing, James Garner’s beloved daughter and received fabulous quotes from Jerry Weintraub and Gary Owens. My article on this mission will be featured in the October issue of "Los Angeles Magazine". But the work doesn't stop there! There’s still 1600 faces that need to be claimed. Once again if your likeness is up there or you’re related to one who is, please let us know by October 5th, The sooner, the better. ! Below is a list of every face that graces the walls of the current Palm! Please get in touch with the Palm directly to claim your face or a loved one! In order to pick up the original art, you will need to RSVP. You are to arrive at 11 AM on October 6th! Please call Tanya Hodge to confirm which face you will be picking up and how you are related to that specific caricature! (310 550 8811). We can't wait for this monumental day and we will be capturing it all on film! What a generous gesture from the owners of the Palm! This is an example of preservation done right! The new Palm will take on a new chapter in November and the the new space simply cannot accommodate all these iconic faces that have been a signature of the Palm's ambiance since 1974!! Bravo to the owners who are taking the time to carve out each face and give them back to the loyal customers that have been a huge part of their legacy!
My full article and the list of faces:
By Alison Martino
The Palm restaurant is known for its juicy steaks and celebrity clientele, but the vivid caricatures of the patrons leave the strongest impression. On September 30 the restaurant, which has been on Santa Monica Boulevard since 1974, will relocate to Beverly Hills. Although its boldfaced regulars may transition easily to the Canon Drive spot, their painted likenesses aren’t making the move. That includes the rendering of my father, singer Al Martino, whose face was one of the first to go up, in 1976. My dad (who passed away in 2009) and restaurant maître d’ Gigi Delmaestro were like brothers, so when the Palm offered me the opportunity to take my dad’s portrait (below), I launched a crusade to reunite some of Hollywood’s greatest faces with their real-life counterparts, from James Caan to Bob Newhart. In the coming weeks claimed pieces will be carved out of the plaster and available for retrieval on October 6. I won’t be able to get to all 2,600, but a handful of celebrities I’ve reached were happy to give their illustrations a new home. Here they share their memories.
Over 2,600 famous caricatures on the walls of the legendary Palm in West Hollywood are being rescued. Though the restaurant is moving out, those iconic Hollywood faces will not be left behind. The Palm will be closing September 30th and moving to Beverly Hills in November, 2014. (The property owner has decided to demolish the institution for a new development). Thankfully the Westside Palm will continue to stay in business and function in their new address on Cannon Drive.
The Palm has paid tribute to
their dedicated clientele by placing their likeness’ on the walls since 1974. It’s become
more then just a surf and turf eatery with great food. It’s become a museum.
Animated artwork featuring movie stars such John Travolta’s character from
“Saturday Night Fever” to “King Kong’s colossal likeness smashing through the
restaurant helped capture it’s trademark style.
The new location will only be taking a limited selection to their new
space. Out of respect to these historical works of art, the owners have decided
to carve each caricature and give them to the celebrities and dedicated
customers that have graced the walls for almost 40 years. This is a very generous and monumental
undertaking and I’m taking on this crusade with the staff to reach out to as
many people I know personally making sure they get their caricature.

Here is the list of all 2600 names!
Adam Levine
Adriano "King of the Hill"
Al Burton
Al Goldsmith
Al Martino
Al Michaels
Al Pacino
Al Teller
Alan Barnette
Alan Berger
Alan Bergman
Alan Bursky
Alan Feinstein
Alan Horn
Alan Ladd
Alan Levine
Alan Silverback
Alba Francesca
Albert Konowitch
Albeth & Clancy Grass
Alex Henig
Alex Lowy
Alice Cooper
Alicia Nelson
Alida Field
Allan Carr
Allan Chlowitz
Allen Goorwitz
Allen R Thomas
Allen Rider
Allen Schwartz
Allison Bernstein
Analise, Ira & Adam Seitzer
Andi Tucker
Andre Lamon
Andrea Schenker
Andrew Dice Clay
Andy (big face red hair)
Andy Gordon
Andy Granatelli
Andy Griffith
Andy Licht
Andy Williams
Ann Sothern
Anna Kournikova
Anyes Vanvolkenburgh
April (cartoon)?
Archie Manning
Army Archerd
Arnie Stonehill
Arnie Sugarman
Arnold Kopel (partial face)
Arnold Kopelson
Arnold Lipkin
Arnold Lipsman
Arnold Mennillo
Arnold Palmer
Arnold Zelonka
Art Goldstein
Art Metrano
Art Warshaw
Arthur Wagner
Artie Berrick
Artie Mandell
Artie Stone
Asher Dann
Audrey Landers
Austin Rocker
Ava Scarduzio
Ave Butensky
Ayman Kandeel
Baby Paris
Band K to G
Barbara Bosson
Barbara Eden
Barbara Mann
Barbara Rosenberg
Barbara Tannenbaum
Barbara Tenenbaum
Barry & June Scott
Barry Brooks
Barry Maiman
Barry Maiman
Barry Newman Petrocelli
Bay City Rollers
Ben Altshuler
Ben Civiletti
Ben Gazzara
Ben Stein
Ben Stiller
Bernie & Flo Roth
Bernie & Jan Weinberg
Bernie Brillstein
Bernie Delaney
Bernie Gimbel
Bernie Lubar
Bernie Nicholls
Bernie Richards
Bernie Selmanson
Bernie Sparago
Bernie Taupin
Bernie Zeidman
Bert Kelly
Bess Armstrong
Beth Bohn
Bette Isenberg
Betty Thomas
Beverly Hills
Biagio Pinto
big face
big face profile
Big Face w/Bowtie
Big Face w/cowboy hat
Big Face w/top of head cut off
Big Mama
Big Mike
Bill Bratkowski
Bill Clough
Bill Devane
Bill Gargan
Bill Hanna
Bill Holden
Bill Lignante
Bill Madonna
Bill Nuss
Bill Paultz
Bill Sanders
Bill Schroeder
Bill Self
Bill Ward
Bill Wardlow
Billie & Vernon Davis
Billy Crystal
Billy Gibbons
Billy Gilbert
Blonde Lady w/nice smile
Blonde Lady w/Pearls
Bob & Barbara Miller
Bob & Jane Felixson
Bob & Margie Peterson
Bob Barker
Bob Bro
Bob Burch
Bob Buziak
Bob Evans
Bob Farina
Bob Fosse
Bob Freeman
Bob Friedman
Bob Greenberg
Bob Hope
Bob Jellen
Bob Krasnow
Bob Lee
Bob Levinson
Bob Loox
Bob Mallory
Bob Milford
Bob Mitchum
Bob Moone
Bob Newhart
Bob Saget
Bob Visotsky
Bob Weiss
Bob Wilson
Bob Young
Bobbi Winick & Karen Janis
Bobby Stevens
Bobby Vinton
Bobby Winick
Bobby Yosten
Bobee Gabelman
Boby by Jake
Boby Daly
Boby Daly
Bonnie Pisarski
Bowie Kuhn
Brad Charles
Brad Grey
Brad Vassar
Brad Wayne
Brent Gordon
Brett Hansen
Brett Pugh
Brett Saxon
Brette Butler
Brian Adler
Brian Bosworth
Brian Bunnin
Brian Cooper
Brian D Semler
Brian Dennehy
Brian Kennedy
Brian Russell
Brian Yablon
Brock Peters
Bruce & Nancy Bird
Bruce B. Herman "Antiques Roadshow"
Bruce Bozzi
Bruce Braun
Bruce Kaufman
Bruce Konheim
Bruce McNall
Bruce Silverman
Bruce Weitz
Brunette in the corner
Bryan Berber
Buckley Norris
Bud Gardner
Bud Isenberg
Bud Yorkin
Buddy Hackett
Burt & Pam Gelman
Burt Lancaster
Burt Pines
Burton M Taylor
Cal Bernstein
Camille Catuogno
Candy Clark
Candy Tusken
Caomie & Tom Monte
Captain Knapp
Caricature Name
Carl "The Duke" Hirsch
Carl November
Carl Price
Carmine Caridi
Carol Channing
Carol Ganzi
Carol Lynley
Carolyn & George Sodini
Carrie Dubow
Cary W Medill
Chad Everett
Charles Bragg
Charles Buhdorn
Charles Cohen
Charles Conrad Jr.
Charles Haid
Charles McTaggert & Ruth Robinson Taggert
Charlie Ajar
Charlie Engel
Charlie Burfield
Charlie Minor
Charlie Sheen
Charlie Weber
Charlotte Mennillo
Charlton Heston
Charna Sugar
Cheech Marin
Chef Luis Rodriguez
Chelsea Davis
Cheryl Gershon
Cheryl Ladd Russell
Chris Campbell
Chris Farley
Chris Gaurdino
Chris Gerolmo
Chris Kattan
Christian Slater
Christina Aguilera
Christina Palmese
Christopher Crowe
Christy & Kabrina Kabbash
Chuck Ashman
Chuck Barris
Chuck Binder
Chuck Connors
Chuck Cooper
Chuck Keilus
Chuck Kennedy
Chuck Laufer
Chuck Martin
Chuck Pennock
Cindy Park
Claire & Lance O'Connor
Clarence Clemmons
Clark Woods
Clint Eastwood
Coach "Dirtbags" Weathers
Coach Mike Miller
Colin Bremner
Colin Willis
Connie Stevens
Couple Painted Over
Craig Applequist
Craig Dorfman
Craig Heffner
Craig Stevens
Craig Wilbraham
Cristy Mann
Crocodile Dundee Paul Hogan
Cynthia & Daniel Dintzer
Cynthia Allison
Da Baby Debbie
Dabney Bixel
Dan Fellman
Dan Greenblatt
Dan Romanelli
Dan Schein
Daniel J Travanti
Daniel Savage
Danny Kay
Danny Thomas
Darren Steinberger
Darren Steinberger
Daryl "Chill" Mitchell
Dave Feldman & Julie Davis
Dave Halliday
Dave McKeehan
Dave Tuckerman
Dave Van Dyke
David & Alan Zimmerman
David & Andew Hopp
David Bienstock
David Brenner
David Brown
David Chesson
David Feldman
David Geffen
David Gonzales
David Gordon
David Halpert
David Horowitz KNBC
David Israel
David Keith
David Lowe
David Shein
David Steinberg
David Steinberg
David Tuckerman
David Yarnell
David Zucker
Dawn & Scott Wood
Dean & Candy Billings
Dean Martin
Dean Shoemaker
Dennis Blair
Dennis Cole
Dennis Weaver
Diahann Carroll
Dianne Bennett
Dick Clark
Dick Lewis
Dick Lippin
Dick Sherman
Dick Van Patten
Dick Wolf
Digger Phelps
Dinah Shore
Dino Barbis
Dody Goodman
Dom Deluise
Don & Davida Lettiere
Don Biederman
Don C Bedell
Don Cerf
Don Edwards
Don Johnson
Don Kirshner
Don Klosterman
Don Larson
Don Leary
Don Ohlmeyer
Don Oliver
Don Petroni
Don Rickles
Don Sypes
Don Tannant
Don Wolper
Donn Carper
Donna Lusitana
Donna Summer
Doreen & Ron Stauber
Doug Ely
Doug Morris
Dr David Kalemkiarian
Dr Irene Karsola
Dr Jay & Janet Silverman
Dr Ron & Ellen Cot
Dr Tim Leary
Dr. Bob Kerlan
Dr. David Gardner
Dr. Dyanna P. Frink
Dr. Glen Hollinger
Dr. Glenn Ledesma
Dr. Howard Baer
Dr. Rick Nalin
Dr. Robert Kotler
Dr. Robert Rosenfeld
Dr. Vernon Gray
Dudley Danoff
Dustin Hoffman
Earl Mindell
Earnest Borgnine
Earvin "Magic" Johnson
Ebbe Brinck-Lund
Ed Asner
Ed Blinn
Ed Marinaro
Ed Rosenblatt
Eddi Hookstratten
Eddie Berliner
Eileen & Marty Alpert
Elaine & Irv Miller
Elaine Marcus
Elan Ruspoli from uncle Gigi
Eliza Ajar Tipton
Elliot Blut
Elliot Gould
Ellis (Pete) Miller
Elmer Dills
Elton John
Emma Buck
Enrique Iglesias
Erik Lomis
Esther Richman
Evel Knievel
Face w/shades
Farrah Fawcett
Fast Gina
Fat face guy w/mustache
Father "Palm"
Father Ken
Fern Champion
Flody Suarez
Francis Ford Coppola
Frank Arico
Frank Arico
Frank Barancik
Frank Bluestein
Frank Butera
Frank Cardinale
Frank Kelly
Frank Mulvey
Frank Price
Frank Sinatra
Frank Stallone
Frankie Avalon
Frankie Sal
Frankie Valli
Fred Croshal
Fred Estaire
Fred Lawrence
Fred Roberts
Fred & Nadine Rosen
Freddie Roach
Freddy DeMann
Frederico Lapenda
Fritz Hitchcock
Full Body AA Guy UCLA Hizzoner
Gail & Jerry Oppenheimer
Gail Parent Wylan
Gary & Ellen Falcoon Gittelsohn
Gary & Leslie Persell
Gary & Nava Dordick
Gary Baker
Gary Bryan & Lisa Stanley
Gary Coleman
Gary Collins
Gary Day
Gary Dordick
Gary Fishbein
Gary Friedman
Gary Lemel
Gary Lieberthal
Gary Nardino
Gary Oldman
Gary Owens
Gary Ross
Gary Stevens
Gary Stifleman
Gavin "Love Boat" MacLeod
Gayle Pardo
Gene Barry
Gene Hackman
Gene Light
Gene Margoluis
Gene Roddenberry
Gene Tunick
Geoffrey Brandt
George Burns
George Cage
George Clooney
George Hamilton
George Kennedy
George Konheim
George Patitucci
George Peppard
Gerry & Marjorie Cagle
Gerry De Francesco
Gerry Hundert
Giacomo, Jerry Moss & Ann Moss
Glenn Campbell
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Graham Gardner
Graham Grice
Greg Seiffert
Gregory Peck
Guy w/candle
Hal "King" Foon
Hal Anonymous
Hal Holbrook
Hal Kolker
Hal Taines
Hal Taines
Hans-Peter Porsche
Harold Childs
Harold M. Freund
Harold Singer
Harry Reams
Harvey Geller
Harvey R Chaplin
Harvey Tenzer
Heather & Michael Klass
Heavy Lenny Bronstein
Helen Reddy
Helen Sutter
Henry Fonda
Henry Winkler
Herb Belkin
Herb Lazarus
Herb Yerman
Hillstreet Blues
Hilly Rose KMPC
Hollywood Joe
Hoops (dog)
Hope, Timothy & Tim Miner
Howard Borris
Howard Cosell
Howard Fine
Howard Gordon
Howard Kaufman
Howard Lapides
Howard Regen
Howard Rosen
Howard Thaler
Howie Mandel
Huge face w/glasses & blue collar
Hugh Landy
Humphrey Bogart
Ian Montone
Ira Fast
Ira & Christina Seltzer
Ira & Janet Bank
Iris Zurawin
Irv & Shelli Azoff
Irv Yablon
Irwin "Annie" Meyer
Irwin & Diane Yablans
Irwin Fries
Irwin J. Tenenbaum
Irwin Winkler
Jack Adamson KBRT
Jack Ashton
Jack Berberian
Jack Black
Jack Carter
Jack Clark
Jack Gilardi (covered)
Jack Kent Cook
Jack Lemon
Jack Liebhaber
Jack Nicholson
Jack Nicholson
Jack Quinn
Jack Rapke
Jack Rubin
Jack Scalia
Jack Van Berg
Jack Warden
Jack Weston
Jackie Cooper
Jackie King
Jacky Gilardi
Jaclyn Smith
Jacob Bloom
Jaime Gross
Jake Gray
James Belushi
James Brandly
James Caan
James Garner
James Karen
James Stewart
Jan Kopic
Jane Topol
Jannine May
Jason Ash
Jason Gilardi
Jason Lublin
Jay Bernstein
Jay Cook
Jay Lawrence
Jay Thomas
Jay Weston
Jay Wolpert
Jayne Simon
Jean Pierre DeLeurme
Jeanne Weiss
Jeanne Wolf
Jeff & Perri Kranzdorf
Jeff & Sophia Marquert
Jeff Berkowitz
Jeff Cooper
Jeff Curtis
Jeff Ellison & Ken Kallett
Jeff Gunter
Jeff Lesser
Jeff Levy
Jeff Steinberger
Jeffrey Bloom
Jeffrey Steinberger
Jennifer Goldman
Jerry Ament
Jerry Buss
Jerry Edelstein
Jerry Greenberg
Jerry Harrison
Jerry Heller
Jerry Jacobs
Jerry Kohl
Jerry Magnin
Jerry Paris
Jerry Sharell
Jerry Torrence
Jerry Weintraub
Jerry Wexler
Jessica & Marc Fogel
Jessica Walter
Jhani Kaye
Jim & Wendy Bachelis
Jim Bohan
Jim Burke
Jim Bush
Jim Chiado
Jim Gosnell
Jim Kellem
Jim Monet
Jim Palmer
Jim Piser "The Skipper"
Jim Sikking
Jim Spiliotis
Jim Wiatt
Jimmy Braun Bronson of California
Jimmy Burrows
Jimmy Connors
Jimmy Spitz
Jimmy Wachtel
Jo Ann
Joan & Dave Wilson
Joan Collins
Joan Hackett
Joan Van Ark
Jodie Francisco
Jody Meisel
Joe "J.F." D'Angelo
Joe Adams
Joe Barbara
Joe Cohen
Joe Cortese
Joe E Tata
Joe Edward
Joe Hyams
Joe Morgan
Joe Namath
Joe Palladino
Joe Smith
Joe Spano
Joel Harvey
Joel McHale The Soup Batter
Joey Bowner
Joey Feldman
Joe Parisi
Joey Villa
John "Mr. Big Mac" Hunter
John Black
John Branca
John Cavello
John David Kalodner
John Denver
John DiMaggio (aka Bender)
John Ferraro
John Fiedler
John Frankenheimer
John Frankenheimer
John Gaines
John Litvack
John Long
John Muller
John Schuck
John Severino
John Stamos
John Travolta
John Trueblood
John Weiser
Johnny Carson
Johnny Mountain
Jon Lovitz
Jon Ringquist
Jon Turtle
Jonathan Ledesma
Jonathan Levin
Jordan Shur
Jordan Udko
Joseph Infuso
Joseph Taback
Josh Baerwald
Josh Mankiewicz
Joy & Lou Cook
Joy Gross
Joyce Bogart
Joyce Dewitt
Joyce Haber
Joyce Virtue
Jud Hirsch
Judd Rose
Judge Elden & Janet Fox
Judge Gloria Shimer
Judge Jack Tenner
Judge Jerry Sheindlin
Judge Judy Hollinger
Judge Judy Sheindlin
Judy L
Jules Sadock
Jules Weiner
Julie & Stephen De Jardins
Julie M. Davis
Julio Ganani
Juny Lockhart
Justin Chart
Justin Dardis
Justin Trugman
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Karen "The Beav" Meyer
Karan Brady
Karen Elise Baldwin
Kate Bales Genesius (partial face)
Kate, Kathleen, Michael Tucci
Katherine Baumann
Kathy Aaronson
Kathy Gori
Kathy O'Hearn
Kay Coleman
Keith Gross
Kelly Hrudey
Kelly O'Connor
Kelly Tucci
Ken Blaustein
Ken Dubow
Ken Guarino
Ken Kallet & Jeff Ellison
Kenn Viselman
Kenny Aronoff
Kenny Solms
Kent McCord Adam 12
Keoki Osaki
Kerry & Doug Sirotta
Kerry Andrews
Kevin Cordasco
Kevin Weaver
Kiel Martin
Kim Gabelman
Kirk Douglas
Kirkwood Drew
Kyle, Dylan, Michelle, Taylor, Waverley
Lady w/red flowers in hair
Laffit Pincay Jr
Larry & Joyce Green
Larry Berkowitz
Larry Bernstein
Larry Brezner
Larry Cohen
Larry Elder
Larry Elikann
Larry Flynt
Larry Gleason
Larry Harris
Larry Kelly
Larry King
Larry Lipson
Larry Mahan
Larry Mindel
Laura Bryna
Laura M Geller
Lauren King
Lauren Short
Laurie & Pat Deel
Lawrence Hilton Jacobs
Lee Majors
Lee Pisarski
Lenny Friedlander
Lenny Zoref
Leo Bunnin
Leonard Chess
Leonard Nimoy
Leonardo DiCaprio
Les Bell
Linda & Don Tannenbaum
Linda Mancuso
Linda Mnasto
Lisa & Howard Stern
Lisa Breckenridge & Andy Cohen
Lisa Engel
Lisa Foxx
Lisa Golden
Little Egypt
Liza Scarduzio
Lori & Cleto Escobedo
Lori Heuring
Lori Loughlin
Lorraine Gary
Lou Balducci
Lou Borick
Lou Paciocco
Louis "Gigi" Delmaestro
Louis J. Pearlman
louise Fletcher (partial face)
Luc Robitaille
Lucy Liu
Lynda Carter
Lynn Loring (Mrs. Thinnes)
Lynn Salant
Lynne Randall
M' Lou & Bill Born
Mac Davis
Macy Lipman
Mad Men
Madeleine Sherak
Madelyn Hammond
Madmen Cast
Mahin & Dr. James White
Mahin & Dr. James White
Mamie Van Doren
Man & Woman (couple)
Marcus Allen
Marcy Doherty
Margie & David White
Margie Kelly
Marilyn & JJ Wall
Marilyn & Joe Wolf
Mario Valenzula
Marjoe Gortner
Mark Geller
Mark Grayson
Mark Kriegel
Mark Kurzius
Mark Kurzius
Mark Levinson
Mark Robinson
Mark Rydell
Mark Sandground
Mark Spector
Mark & Marilyn Tenser
Mark Thompson
Mark Wahlberg
Mark Walcoff
Marko Babineau
Marko Radlovic
Marlee Matlin
Marr Shapiro
Marshall Avedon
Marshall K Shaw
Martha Raye
Morty & Shelby Jacobs
Marty Abrams
Marty Adelstein
Marty Allen
Marty Davis
Marty Golden
Marty Krofft
Marty Robbins
Marty Trugman
Marv Gross
Marx Bros. (Groucho?)
Mary Ann & Arn Norbom
Mary Ann Mobley Collins
Mary Ann Rose
Mary Bennet
Mary Lou Licht
Mary Micucci
Mary Turner
Matt Selman
Matt Weiner
Matthew Gorelik
Matthew Scatoff
Mel Posner
Melanie Griffith
Melinda & Joe Davola
Melinda Short
Meredith Mac Rae
Merrill Shindler
Michael Conrad
Michael Douglas
Michael Filerman
Michael J Klenfner
Michael James
Michael Kokin
Michael Levine
Michael Levine
Michael Nathanson
Michael Piller
Michael Shune
Michael Steinberg
Michael Tomchin
Michael Warner
Michael Warren
Michale Shatsky
Micheal Cholodenko
Michelle Weaver
Mickey Rooney
Micky Shapiro
Mike "Mad Dog" Kopelic
Mike & Debbie Gruber
Mike Captain
Mike Connors (Mannix)
Mike Douglas
Mike Forman
Mike Grady
Mike Gruber
Mike Harahan
Mike Judge
Mike Mitchell
Mike Murphy
Mike Myers
Mike Roos
Mike Rosen
Mike Sigel
Mike Stennis
Mikkel Wax
Milt Goldstein (covered by art & beverly)
Money Amsterdam
Morgan Fairchild
Morgan Fairchild
Mr & Mrs Arnold Winick
Mr & Mrs LaCienega (Janet & Bernard
Murray De'Atley
Murray the K
Myron & Dori Toplitsky
Myron Dubow
Nancy Giltner
Nat "Polish" Rocker
Natalie & Ari Blut
Natalie Wood
Natasha Rubin
Nate Goller
Nathan Ament
Ned Humphreys
Neil Bogart
Neil Sedaka
Nick Grad
Nick Light
Nikole Lardas
Noah Skaist Levy
Norm & Sheri Gray
Norm Crosby
Norm Pattiz
Norm Simone
Norman Horowitz
Norman Lear
Norman Lytle III
Ojordje from Milos
Oliver Clark
Oscar Katz
Pal Joey Barnum
Pancho Segura
Paris Hilton
Pasquale Martine
Pat Duffy
Pat Henry
Pat Morita
Pat O'Brien
Pat Sajak
Patricia Gordon
Patrick Griffith
Patrick Harahan
Patrick Wayne
Patsy Coll
Patti Bell
Patty & Marc
Paul Anka
Paul Colony (Alexander)
Paul Cooper
Paul Drew
Paul from Josh
Paul Greenstone
Paul Mahon
Paul Marchisotto
Paul Newman
Paul Rosenfeld
Paul Sarvello
Paula Knight
Peck Prior
Perry "Joe" Dreibus
Pete Aronson
Pete Ellis
Pete Miranda
Peter Arkley
Peter B Aronson
Peter from Nick
Peter Harkos
Peter Jankowski
Peter Katz
Peter Lupus
Peter Miller
Phil & Patsy Rosenthal
Phil Chess
Phil Fondacaro
Phil Newmark
Phil Rosenthal
Phyllis Diller
Piercy Ross
Pierre Cossette
Pink Collar Guy
R.O.D. Rod
Ragan Ingram
Rahn J. Farris
Raljon (guy w/5 arms)
Ralph Edwards
Randy & Linda Zimmerman
Rauer & Stella Meyer
Ray Katz
Ray Kavanaugh Jr.
Ray Schneider
RE Job
Rebecca Golden
Red Buttons
Red Fox
Reese Witherspoon
Regis Philbin
Rene Enriquez
Rhonda Sapiro
Rich Kudolla
Rich Little
Richard & Lana Palmese
Richard Angelini
Richard Azeez
Richard Crenna
Richard Egan
Richard Freedman
Richard King
Richard Koral
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis
Richard Roundtree
Richard Simmon
Richard Simmons
Richard Zanuck
Richie Palmese
Rick & Kathy Hilton
Rick Berman
Rick Dees
Rick Mayer
Rick Newcombe
Rick Nicita
Rick Pallack
Rick Rosen
Rick Schwartz
Ricky Strauss
Rikki Rosen
Rip Taylor
Rob Cohen
Rob Friedman
Rob Light
Rob Lowe
Rob Word
Robbie & Alexxa
Robert & Patti Di Tullio
Robert Alda
Robert Alkus
Robert Blagman
Robert Danziger
Robert Davi
Robert Duval
Robert Hall
Robert Joseph
Robert Klein
Robert Loggia
Robert Mann
Robert Morse
Robert & Jeri Shapiro
Robert Shaw
Robert W Morgan
Robert Wagner
Robert Who?
Robin Ratner
Rock Hudson
Rod Lynch
Roen Daniel Wax
Roger Behrstock
Roger & Corky Lewin
Roger & Denise Lewis
Roger Caon
Roger Glickman
Roger Licht
Roger Miller
Ron Fair
Ron Fields
Ron Masak
Ron Mesker
Ron Meyer
Ron Zebarth
Rona Barrett
Ronald Neame
Ronni Pollack
Rory Calhoun
Rose & Van
Rose Marie
Ross Browner
Roy Thinnes
Rozz & Marty Kleiman
Russ Hampshire
Russ Reagan
Ruth Buzzi
Ryan Seacrest
Sally & Hope
Sally Field
Salvatore Iannucci Jr.
Sam Ash
Sam Auttano
Sam Calantoni
Sam Kinison
Sam Krasnopolsky
Sam Sierber
Sammy Davis Jr
Sandra Taylor
Sandy & Shana Sosin
Sandy Bresler
Sandy Reisenbach
Sansi Liebhaber
Scott Carpenter
Scott Johnson
Scott Zolke
Sean Perry
Serena Field
Sharon Berrick
Shawn King
Shecky Greene
Shecky Greene
Sheldon Chun
Shelley & Debbie Greenberg
Shelley Berman
Shelley Fabares
Shellie Weisberg
Shelly Goldman
Sherre Carnes
Shirley Maclaine
Shriley Muldowney
Sid Richter
Sid Richter
Sid Young
Sis Stern
ShotGun Kelly |
Skip Bronson
Skip Miller
Skip Short
Skip Short
Sonny "Cinnamon" Leonard
Sonny Bono
Sonny Leonard
Sonny's Toni
Sparky Whiteline
Stacey Feldman
Stacy Goldsmith
Stan Lee
Stan Lenarsky
Stan Spiegel
Stan Weis Mushroom
Stan Winston
Stephanie J. Hibler
Stephen (Annie) Friedman
Stephen McPherson
Steve Arvin
Steve Backer
Steve Blue
Steve Duchesne
Steve Epstein
Steve Freedman
Steve Garvey
Steve Gold
Steve Jones
Steve Konow
Steve Kram
Steve Miller
Steve Roth
Steve Scarduzio
Steve Spielberg
Steve Stephens
Steve Tenenbaum
Steve Tisch
Steve Uslan
Steve Wax
Steven Naleuansky
Steven Scarduzio
Steven Vizvary
Stirling McIlwaine
Stormin' Norman
Stu Evey
Stu Silver
Sumner & Paula Redstone
Super Dave Osborne
Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke
Susan --------
Susan Eisenhart
Susan Sanders
Susan Smith
Susie Coelho
Suzanne Pleshette
Sybil Brand
Sydney Pollack
Sylvester Stallone
T. Larry Kirkland
Taurean Blacque
Tawny Schneider
Ted Factor
Ted Night
Ted Steinberg
Ted Turner
Teddy Jack Eddy
Telly Savalas
Terence Kelly
Terry Barnes
Terry McInnes
The "Real" Don Steele
The Iseiden
The J.M.C.
Theo Sedlmayr
Thomas Gottschalk
Thomas Vebber Jr
Tim Conway
Tim Leiweke
Todd Bird
Todd Field
Todd Marks
Tom Alvich
Tom Broder
Tom Campbell
Tom Flores
Tom Gatto
Tom Hoberman
Tom Jones
Tom Kennedy
Tom Laidlaw
Tom Lasorda
Tom Mankiewicz
Tom Noonan
Tom Poston
Tom Russo
Tom Schell
Tom Sherak
Tom Singer
Tom Steo
Tom Tannenbaum
Tom Van Amburg
Tom Wopat
Tommy Edwards
Toni & Les Menchen
Toni Anderson
Toni Holt
Tony Danza
Tony Fanticola
Tony Freinberg
Tony Lynn
Tony Randall
Tony Sobel
Toper Taylor
Ty Knutson
Tracey Ullman
Trip Reeb
Uncle Eddie Carrol
Uncle Milty
Unknown (above Jake Gray)
Unknown (left of Jake Gray)
Valerie Harper
Valerie McCaffrey
Verne J. Troyer
Veronica Hamel
Vic Damone
Victoria Principal
Vincent Van Patten
Wally & Deborah Ganzi Jr.
Wally Clark
Walt Jaynes
Walter Matthau
Walter Miller
Walter Mirisch
Wanda Moore
Warner Arch------
Warren Beatty
Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Rogers
Will Arnett and Amy Poehler
William Burke
William Shatner
Wilt "The Stilt" Chamberlain
Wolfman Jack
Wylie H Durmmond III
Wynn Katz
Thank you Wally Ganzi, Co-Chairman and Co-Owner & Bruce Bozzi and
Sr. Co-Chairman and Co-Owner of The Palm. |
J.J. Abrams is by the front door...
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ReplyDeleteSuperb restaurant! I love the way all these vintage photographs have been used as the decoration. That’s looking fantastic. I wonder if there are any Boston restaurants that have used such stuff for decoration!
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Love and miss The Palm and especially Gigi. I do have my caricature and it is in a shadow box with Gigi's photo and biography from his memorial in LA.